+1 206 543-7992

Speech & Hearing Sciences
Eagleson 163



Research Associate Professor
Ph.D., Carnegie Mellon University
M.S., Carnegie Mellon University
B.A., University of Notre Dame
Academic Expertise: 
Language development in hearing loss
Literacy development in hearing loss
Speech perception
Aging effects on speech perception

Erin Ingvalson joined the Speech and Hearing Sciences department in 2020. Before that, she was an Associate Professor in the School of Communication Science and Disorders at Florida State University. Her PhD is in cognitive psychology and she did her postdoctoral training in speech and hearing at Northwestern University.

Dr. Ingvalson's research interests are in speech perception. Her lab seeks to understand how listeners find sucess when listening is challening, then build on that information to help all listeners be successful. Recent projects include looking at how older and younger adults perceive foreign-accented and dysarthric speech, computerized training to improve language and literacy outcomes for children with hearing loss, and a longitudinal study of literacy development in preschoolers with hearing loss.

Recent Publications
Comparing Scores on the Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test and Receptive One-Word Picture Vocabulary Test in Preschoolers With and Without Hearing Loss. (2023 Jul 10) Am J Speech Lang Pathol 32(4): 1610-1619 Ingvalson EM, Perry LK, VanDam M, Grieco-Calub TM

Rethinking Emergent Literacy in Children With Hearing Loss. (2020) Front Psychol 11(): 39 Ingvalson EM, Grieco-Calub TM, Perry LK, VanDam M

The effect of the menstrual cycle on dichotic listening. (2019) PLoS One 14(2): e0212673 Morris RJ, Ingvalson EM, Kaschak MP, Smith AN

Neural preservation underlies speech improvement from auditory deprivation in young cochlear implant recipients. (2018 Jan 30) Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 115(5): E1022-E1031 Feng G, Ingvalson EM, Grieco-Calub TM, Roberts MY, Ryan ME, Birmingham P, Burrowes D, Young NM, Wong PCM

Effects of Familiarization on Intelligibility of Dysarthric Speech in Older Adults With and Without Hearing Loss. (2018 Feb 6) Am J Speech Lang Pathol 27(1): 91-98 Lansford KL, Luhrsen S, Ingvalson EM, Borrie SA