Professor Emerita Dr. Lynne Werner is 2020 ARO Award of Merit Recipient
February 4, 2020
Lynne Ann Werner was born in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. The oldest of seven children, she describes her childhood as “unremarkable.”. She received her bachelor's degree from Northwestern University.
UW research expands bilingual language program for babies
January 23, 2020 — Kim Eckart
Knowledge of multiple languages has long been shown to have lifelong benefits, from enhancing communication skills to boosting professional opportunities to staving off the cognitive effects of aging.
UW, collaborating institutions awarded $9.5 million for detecting autism earlier in childhood
May 29, 2019 — Kim Eckart
A multicenter research team that includes the University of Washington Autism Center has received a five-year, $9.5 million grant to determine whether brain imaging can help detect infants who are likely to go on to develop autism spectrum disorder. Led by Washington University and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, the research n
Reading summer camp? Study to examine how soon-to-be kindergarteners are wired for literacy
March 5, 2019 — Kim Eckart
Picture this scene: A father reads a storybook to his young daughter, the girl seated in his lap and apparently fascinated by the illustrations of a bunny.
Playground study shows how recess can include all children
February 20, 2019 — Kim Eckart
Recess, for most children, is synonymous with freedom. A break from class that has nothing to do with learning and everything to do with play.
The Surprising Mrs. Hicks
January 17, 2019 — Nancy Joseph
In her 44 years as staff in the Department of Speech and Hearing Sciences (SPHSC), Opal Hicks was always “Mrs. Hicks” to her colleagues. As program assistant and graduate secretary for the department, she was caring but unassuming, helping guide graduate students through numerous bureaucratic challenges.
Parents learn, babies talk: How coaching moms and dads leads to better language skills among infants
November 26, 2018 — Kim Eckart
A UW summer camp helps teens who stutter find their voices
August 29, 2018 — Kim Eckart
The assignment sat before him: a Mad Lib, one of those goofy, improvised stories that rely on random nouns, verbs and adjectives.
So 17-year-old Brandon began to tell the story, a made-up scene from a horror movie. Haltingly, he tried to form the words aloud: “choice,” “car,” “convention.”
‘Teachers are brain engineers’: UW study shows how intensive instruction changes brain circuitry in struggling readers
June 14, 2018 — Kim Eckart