Non-Degree Enrollment at the University of Washington (Seattle) allows anyone to register for a UW course and earn course credits without formal admission to the UW. However, since preference is given to matriculated students (students formally admitted to the university), Non-Degree Enrollment is on a standby, space-available basis and at the discretion of the specific department.
There are three types of non-degree enrollment available at the University of Washington:
- Visiting Graduate Student – offered in the SPHSC Department
- Non-Matriculated (NM) – offered in the SPHSC Department
- Graduate Non-Matriculated (GNM) – not available in the SPHSC Department
Please note that while some departments on campus allow for Graduate Non-Matriculated (GNM) course registration, the Department of Speech & Hearing Sciences does not grant this status for any of its 4 graduate programs. We only offer Visiting Graduate Student enrollment and Non-Matriculated enrollment.
Visiting Graduate Students
Visiting Graduate Student status allows students who are actively pursuing a graduate degree at another college or university to take graduate courses at the UW and transfer a limited number of credits back to their home institution.
The length of student enrollment is determined by the number of quarters approved by the home institution and the UW graduate program that admits the visiting graduate applicant. Students may hold visiting graduate status in only one graduate program at a time and may not hold any other student status while enrolled as a visiting graduate student.
Interested parties are required apply to the UW for admission as a Visiting Graduate Student and admissions is granted on a case-by-case basis. More information is located on the Visiting Graduate Students section of the UW Graduate School website.
In the Department of Speech & Hearing Sciences:
- Visiting Graduate Student status is available for our 4 graduate programs (Ph.D., M.S.-CoreSLP, M.S.-EdSLP, M.S.-MedSLP)
- Visiting students only have access to certain courses in the Speech and Hearing Department and they are unable to register for any graduate level clinical courses/practica.
- Visiting Graduate Students must apply for admission by the same deadline as all other graduate students for a given academic year. Late applications will not be considered. Applications are due as follows:
- Doctor of Philosophy Program: December 1st
- Master of Science Programs: January 15th
- Application procedures:
- Complete the online UW Graduate School Application
- If accepted by the Department and Graduate School, Visiting Students register for approved classes online through MyUW.
- Questions should be directed to the Graduate Program Advisor at or 206-685-7402.
Non-Matriculated Graduate Students
Non-matriculated (NM) status is an undergraduate status and students in this status do not earn graduate credit, even if the courses they take are at the graduate level. Credits earned in this status can apply to an undergraduate degree if the student later becomes matriculated or may be used in preparation for graduate school. The credits can never be counted as graduate credit at the University of Washington, even if the student later becomes a graduate student.
Students do not need to apply for Non-matriculated (NM) status. Registration occurs through UW Professional & Continuing Education (UW PCE) and there are separate instructions for registration during Summer quarter. More information is located on the Non-matriculated Students section of the UW website.
In the Department of Speech & Hearing Sciences:
- Non-Matriculated (NM) course registration is available for both undergraduate and graduate level courses.
- Approval for NM course registration is on a case-by-case basis and students may only have access to certain courses. Students are unable to register for any graduate level clinical courses or clinical practica as a NM student.
Non-Matriculated Registration Procedures for Undergraduate Courses
Through our Bachelor of Science program, the department offers undergrad major courses at the undergraduate level. There are forms and procedures for all courses in which a non-matriculated student wishes to enroll. Forms and questions should be directed to the Undergraduate Advisor at or 206-685-7403.
General Enrollment Procedures
All interested parties should first review the SPHSC Undergraduate Course Listing for non-degree enrollment to identify the state or fee-based course you wish to take, noting any course prerequisites.
In order to enroll in specific SPHSC courses, non-matriculated students must FIRST obtain permission from the department by following these steps:
- Email a request to outlining:
- The course(s) you wish to take
- Whether or not you have met the published course prerequisites
- The specific reason/rationale for your request
This written request will be reviewed by the Bachelor of Science Program Director and students will be contacted regarding whether their request has been approved or denied.
- If given approval to pursue enrollment by the B.S. Program Director, students must then email the advisor and/or instructors to obtain their permission to enroll in the course.
- If the advisor/instructor gives approval, the student will proceed with the procedures outlined on the Non-matriculated Students section of the UW website.
Special Notes & Instructions
- Please be aware there is a limit of 3 total courses that may be taken in SPHSC on a non-matriculated basis.
- To complete additional SPHSC coursework at the UW (beyond 3 courses), individuals must matriculate into an official degree program in the SPHSC department.
- To matriculate, individuals must first apply and receive an accepted into these programs. See the “How to Apply” section of the department website for more information.
Note: Students with reduced matriculated credits in the Postbaccalaureate program, due to prior non-matriculated work, could potentially fall below the 45 matriculated credit requirement for a second bachelor’s degree at UW. This would require the completion of additional coursework to reach the 45 credit minimum.