+1 206 616-6810‬
+1 206 543-5440


Assistant Teaching Professor
Recent Publications
Inter-rater and Intra-rater Reliability of Glottal Image Capture: A Mobile Application to Quantify Vocal Fold Bowing. (2024 Dec 9) Laryngoscope Aboueisha M, Jaleel Z, Baertsch HC, Sauder C, Merati AL, Johns MM, Bhatt NK

Patient-Perceived Vocal Effort Immediately Following Voice Tasks in Adductor Laryngeal Dystonia (ADLD). (2024 Dec 5) J Voice Sauder CL, Marks KL, Meyer TK, Giliberto JP, Knutson M, Wilson E, Stepp CE, Eadie TL

Quantifying Health Utility of Age-related Vocal Atrophy. (2024 Oct 26) Laryngoscope de Leon JA, Cvancara DJ, Carlson AL, Cheng A, Rizvi ZH, Giliberto JP, Sauder C, Bhatt NK

Endoscopic Distance and its Impact on Quantified Age-related Vocal Fold Atrophy Measures. (2024 Nov) Laryngoscope 134(11): 4649-4655 Aboueisha MA, Sauder C, Jaleel Z, Fatahallah Y, Adcock K, Al-Awadi H, Jafari A, Bhatt NK

Sensitivity of Videolaryngostroboscopic Rating Tools to Differences in Dysphonia Severity. (2024 Feb 1) J Voice Sauder CL, Giliberto JP, Eadie TL