Welcome to the Child Language Research Lab!

We are dedicated to conducting basic and applied research that promotes positive language outcomes for all children. The focus of our research is early language acquisition and the clinical processes of assessment and intervention with culturally and linguistically diverse populations.

Current projects focus on the powerful role of clinician and caregiver interaction in establishing a strong communication foundation for language development. We are also investigating the process of word learning in Dual Language Learners and in children who have been diagnosed with early language delays. We work with multilingual families and children who are acquiring more than one language through formal education (e.g., Dual Language Immersion programs). 

We use multiple methodologies to explore these areas in several populations including children from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds, children diagnosed with language delays or disorders, and children experiencing adverse environmental experiences (e.g., maternal incarceration). 

Research is conducted in the laboratory, in the clinic, in the classroom, and in the community. Contact our Research Coordinator, Emily Fowler, at eefowler@uw.edu or call our lab phone at (206) 685-2199 if you have any questions about our research or are interested in participating in our current research opportunities!

Bienvenidos a Nuestro Laboratorio

Nos dedicamos a realizar investigaciones básicas y aplicadas para promover resultados lingüísticos positivos para todos los niños. El enfoque de nuestro programa es la adquisición temprana del lenguaje y los procesos clínicos de evaluación e intervención con niños bilingües.

Nos interesa el papel importante de la familia y la communidad en el establecimiento de una base de comunicación sólida para el desarrollo del lenguaje. Estamos investigando el proceso de aprendizaje de palabras en estudiantes de dos idiomas y en niños que han sido diagnosticados con retrasos del lenguaje. También tenemos investigaciones con familias y niños multilingües que están adquiriendo más de un idioma a través de la educación formal (por ejemplo, programas de inmersión en dos idiomas incluyendo Español y Mandarín).

La investigación se realiza en el laboratorio, en la clínica, en la escuela, y en la comunidad. Favor de póngase en contacto con nosotros. Email: Directora Dr. Amy Pace (amypace@uw.edu), Coordinadora de Investigación Emily Fowler (eefowler@uw.edu).


Child Language Lab Announcements

Dr. Pace has been awarded an Early Career Grant by the National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders (NIDCD R21 ECR) to investigate typical and atypical language development in dual language learners under three. 

Dr. Pace presents at the UW & CELIN Forum: Raising Multilingual Citizens

Read how language skills in Kindergarten predict children's performance in other areas including math and reading, throughout school

Dr. Pace’s research on the role of language in children’s academic and social success featured by KOMO News

Listen to an interview with Dr. Pace on Top of Mind with Julie Rose

Learn more about the Partnership for Healthy Parenting, directed by Dr. Pace and Kate Krings