Lab Mission Statement

The focus of the NeuDLL Lab is on the development of language abilities in children and adolescents with neurodevelopmental disorders. This research has included individuals with fragile X syndrome, which is the leading inherited cause of intellectual disability, as well as individuals with autism or prenatal alcohol exposure. The overarching goal of this research is to understand how specific cognitive processes and learning mechanisms (e.g., statistical learning) interact with the learning opportunities afforded by the environment over the course of development. More generally, the mission of the NeuDLL lab is to investigate individual differences in learning, with consideration for the relationships among what a child already knows, how they interact with the world, and the characteristics of the input around them. We achieve this by working with individuals with both shared and distinct strengths and challenges (i.e., using within-group designs and cross-group comparisons). Ultimately, identifying cognitive skills and language learning processes that are sources of variability among and within developmental disabilities will inform what is known about individual differences in language learning and will help guide intervention. The tools that we use to assess language, cognition, and behavior include spontaneous expressive language sampling, standardized/norm-referenced assessments, eye-gaze methodologies, and parent report. In this work, we strive for scientific excellence, we value teamwork and the contributions of each, we strive to develop connections within and beyond the lab, we hope to allow each individual to develop to his or her full potential, and we work towards fostering an environment of teaching and learning.

Research Opportunities & Volunteering

If you are interested in volunteering at the NeuDLL Lab, please email us at Please include your program/year, a brief statement about your interest in volunteering in the lab, a description of previous research experience (if any), a current resume/CV, and a list of three references. Volunteer positions are subject to availability.