Continuing Education at UW SPHSC

As a partner in educating our graduate students, supervisors are invited to attend complimentary continuing education events hosted by the Department of Speech & Hearing Sciences throughout the year.  Our mission is to create a learning environment that establishes a continuum of educational opportunities focused on best practices in mentoring graduate students.  You are an integral part of our educational mission, and we hope to see you at these events!

  • Supervision Workshops: 2-hour online workshops offered autumn, winter, and spring quarters
  • Summer Supervision Workshop: 4-hour workshop offered summer quarter

You will receive announcements via email detailing each of the continuing education events offered each quarter.  Updates will also be posted on this site.

Shared Knowledge

Students are encouraged to share current research and literature with community colleagues.  Supervisors are encouraged to ask students to provide them with access to the latest classroom information.

Clinical Associate Appointment

Clinical professionals in the community who are actively involved in the mentoring and training of our graduate clinicians are invited to apply for the position of "Clinical Associate" in the Department of Speech & Hearing Sciences. Below is a summary sheet with information on the position and benefits, as well as instructions on how to apply.

Clinical Associate Info and Application

CECH Credit for Supervision of Students

For CECH credit for supervision, please download Form SPI 1128-1 from OSPI.
Receive up to 20 hours for supervision of public school interns